In April 2017 Rapha opened a clubhouse in Mallorca—one of the most beautiful locations to ride in Europe. Together with the Rapha team, we designed a unique 3D topographical map of the island. As the clubhouse centrepiece, the table/map allows visitors to plan their rides. The table has been precision milled from Valchromat, emphasising every last 1.2mm contour/step. Each of the key climbs on the island has been called-out with a monolithic extrusion.
Industrial Design
Product Design
Design for Manufacture (DFM)
Manufacture Support

To create the table, we downloaded topographic data from the region. We then simplified the raw data—in order to create a more striking, stylised and unique appearance—leaving us with a skeleton of line-work. From this we were able to create the thousands of topographic steps in 3D CAD and a table that is an exact scale representation of Mallorca’s mountains.

Photography: Johan Björklund, Benedict Campbell & Wig Worland.